Upcoming Workshops

David Morgan Teaches Reduction Printmaking on Print Day in May

Printmaker David Morgan of Merrymeeting Press in Bath will conduct a one-day workshop on May 4, at Local Color Gallery in Belfast, where he is currently a Guest Artist. Saturday, May 4, is "Print Day in May," when printmakers around the world create and post their work in honor of this art form.
Morgan will offer a class in reduction printmaking, introducing participants to the technique of carving one wood or linoleum block, using subsequent carvings to print three distinct colors. Participants with all levels of experience are welcome. A press will be available to pull prints.
The class will be limited to eight participants and will run from 9 am to 4 pm on May 4. All materials are included in the registration fee. To register, visit the Workshops page on David's website:
Local Color Gallery is located at 135 High Street, Belfast. Class details are also available at